Sherpa Overview --------------- `Sherpa `_ is a general purpose modeling and fitting application written in Python. - Uses Python's interactive capabilities and its Object Oriented Programming (OOP) approach. - Provides a flexible environment for resolving spectral and image properties, analyzing time series, and modeling generic types of data. - Implements the forward fitting technique for parametrized data modeling. - Includes functions to calculate goodness-of-fit and parameter confidence limits. - Data structures are contained in Python modules so users can easily add their own data structures, models, statistics or optimization methods to Sherpa. - Complex model expressions are supported using a general purpose and compact definition syntax. - Has a high-level UI that deals with a lot of the data management and general book-keeping you come across, but the low-level API can also be used (e.g. as part of a separate application). In this tutorial we will show you how Sherpa can be used to model and fit 1D data (without and with errors) and 2D images. Higher dimensionality data is supported (to some extent) but there is no documentation. The 1D examples are for "unbinned" data, but you can also handle the case where the model has to be summed (integrated) across each bin (for the 2D case we treat image data as point/unbinned for convenience and speed). Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - `Sherpa home page `_: Sherpa for CIAO users - `Sherpa python page `_: Sherpa for Python users The Sherpa documentation collection includes a gallery of examples, fitting threads, and AHELP pages that describe each Sherpa function: - `Sherpa gallery `_: Examples by plot - `Sherpa fitting threads `_: Example scripts - `Sherpa AHELP pages `_: Function information Load data into Sherpa ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you still have the 3C120 data from the `NumPy introduction <../core/numpy_scipy.html#setup>`_ then go to the py4ast/core directory, otherwise :: $ ipython --matplotlib from astropy.extern.six.moves.urllib import request import tarfile url = '', mode='r|').extractall() cd py4ast/core Now we load the Sherpa UI module and other requirements:: import sherpa.astro.ui as ui import numpy as np from import fits # import pycrates # import pychips and then the data, using the ``load_arrays`` command :: img ='3c120_stis.fits.gz')[1].data # cr = pycrates.read_file('3c120_stis.fits.gz') # img = pycrates.get_piximgvals(cr) profile = img.sum(axis=1) xaxis = np.arange(profile.size) ui.load_arrays(1, xaxis, profile) ui.plot_data() # pychips.log_scale(pychips.Y_AXIS) .. image:: 3c120_data.png :scale: 75 .. Note:: I will be using the CIAO version of Sherpa for the demonstation, but feel free to use the standalone version. Here we load the data into dataset number ``1`` (which is the default); data set ids can be integers or strings (for example "src" and "bgnd"). Some routines work on a single dataset and some on all; for some commands the id value can be left out to use the default (``plot_data`` is and ``load_arrays`` isn't). .. Hint:: Try out ``d1 = ui.get_data()`` and ``dir(d1)``. Set up the model ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The aim is to determine the approximate spatial extent of the profile, so we start with a gaussian: :: ui.set_source(ui.gauss1d.g1) print(g1) gauss1d.g1 Param Type Value Min Max Units ----- ---- ----- --- --- ----- g1.fwhm thawed 10 1.17549e-38 3.40282e+38 g1.pos thawed 0 -3.40282e+38 3.40282e+38 g1.ampl thawed 1 -3.40282e+38 3.40282e+38 .. Note:: The Sherpa UI uses fancy Python magic to create a variable with the name of the model component - in this case ``g1`` - which is then used to read and modify the model parameters. Parameters have a value, range, and can be thawed (can be adjusted during a fit) or frozen (will not be fixed). .. Hint:: Try out ``dir(g1)``. As shown below, the source expression can be retrieved with ``ui.get_source``. It would be nice if the optimizer were guaranteed to find the best fit no matter where you start (and the quality of the data), but it often helps to try and give the system a helping hand. One way to do this is via the ``guess`` command, which uses simple heuristics to initialize some of the parameter values and ranges (the algorithm used depends on the model). :: ui.freeze(g1.fwhm) ui.guess(g1) ui.thaw(g1.fwhm) print(g1) gauss1d.g1 Param Type Value Min Max Units ----- ---- ----- --- --- ----- g1.fwhm thawed 10 1.17549e-38 3.40282e+38 g1.pos thawed 254 0 511 g1.ampl thawed 3.11272e+06 3112.72 3.11272e+09 .. Note:: The reason for freezing the ``fwhm`` parameter before the ``guess`` is to avoid a strange error message (``ParameterErr: parameter g1.fwhm has a hard minimum of 1.17549e-38``) that is specific to the ``gauss1d`` model. Selecting a statistic and optimizer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For this dataset we have no errors so use the least-squared statistic, and the default optimizer (the Levenberg-Marquardt method). Other choices for the statistic are gaussian - with a range of error estimates - or Cash, and optimizers are Simplex and a Monte-Carlo based method. Some situations require a particular choice, but it can be useful to change values to check that you are at the best-fit location (or, to avoid the wrath of any Statistician, the local minimum). :: ui.set_stat('leastsq') print(ui.get_method()) name = levmar ftol = 1.19209289551e-07 xtol = 1.19209289551e-07 gtol = 1.19209289551e-07 maxfev = None epsfcn = 1.19209289551e-07 factor = 100.0 verbose = 0 .. Note:: The parameters for the optimizers (e.g. ``ftol`` for ``levmar``) should be left alone unless you get *really* stuck **and** know what you are doing. Now the fit ^^^^^^^^^^^ For this example, the fit is quick (it does not take many iterations):: Dataset = 1 Method = levmar Statistic = leastsq Initial fit statistic = 5.46696e+13 Final fit statistic = 9.55741e+10 at function evaluation 34 Data points = 512 Degrees of freedom = 509 Change in statistic = 5.4574e+13 g1.fwhm 1.28959 g1.pos 254.075 g1.ampl 3.14129e+06 and we repeat just to make sure:: Dataset = 1 Method = levmar Statistic = leastsq Initial fit statistic = 9.55741e+10 Final fit statistic = 9.55741e+10 at function evaluation 5 Data points = 512 Degrees of freedom = 509 Change in statistic = 0 g1.fwhm 1.28959 g1.pos 254.075 g1.ampl 3.14129e+06 .. Note:: The exact values you get depend on both the OS and build type (32 vs 64 bit). .. Hint:: The ``fit`` command will fit all loaded datasets when called with no id; use ``fit(1)`` to fit a single dataset. The screen output from the ``fit`` command can also be retrieved as a structure (a Python object) using the ``ui.get_fit_results()`` command. View the fit ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The fit can be viewed graphically (the warnings can be ignored):: ui.plot_fit() WARNING: unable to calculate errors using current statistic: leastsq ui.plot_fit_resid() WARNING: unable to calculate errors using current statistic: leastsq WARNING: unable to calculate errors using current statistic: leastsq # pychips.limits(pychips.X_AXIS, 245, 265) .. image:: 3c120_fit_resid1.png :scale: 75 .. Hint:: The level of screen output created by Sherpa can be controlled using the `Python logging module `_. Unless you have used a similar library in another language, it will appear needlessly complex (as it does a lot) and we unfortunately don't have time to discuss it here. Adding a component ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We can re-use existing components in a source expression:: ui.set_source(g1 + ui.const1d.bgnd) print(ui.get_source()) (gauss1d.g1 + const1d.bgnd) Param Type Value Min Max Units ----- ---- ----- --- --- ----- g1.fwhm thawed 1.28959 1.17549e-38 3.40282e+38 g1.pos thawed 254.075 0 511 g1.ampl thawed 3.14129e+06 3112.72 3.11272e+09 bgnd.c0 thawed 1 0 3.40282e+38 Rather than using ``guess``, let's see how well the optimizer does:: Dataset = 1 Method = levmar Statistic = leastsq Initial fit statistic = 9.55644e+10 Final fit statistic = 4.96699e+10 at function evaluation 16 Data points = 512 Degrees of freedom = 508 Change in statistic = 4.58945e+10 g1.fwhm 1.28402 g1.pos 254.076 g1.ampl 3.1326e+06 bgnd.c0 9497.67 Dataset = 1 Method = levmar Statistic = leastsq Initial fit statistic = 4.96699e+10 Final fit statistic = 4.96699e+10 at function evaluation 6 Data points = 512 Degrees of freedom = 508 Change in statistic = 0 g1.fwhm 1.28402 g1.pos 254.076 g1.ampl 3.1326e+06 bgnd.c0 9497.67 ui.plot_fit_resid() # pychips.limits(pychips.X_AXIS, 245, 265) .. image:: 3c120_fit_resid2.png :scale: 75 Evaluating the model expression directly ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Model components and source expressions can be evaluated directly, although this approach only works for simple models; that is those without convolution (either explicitly via ``ui.set_psf`` or implictly as happens with the handling of the response information in X-ray data).:: xi = np.arange(250, 260) src = ui.get_source() yi = src(xi) zip(xi, yi) [(250, 9497.6705120244224), (251, 9498.0568224326398), (252, 11732.300774634092), (253, 457003.64642740792), (254, 3112045.5828799075), (255, 754169.02805867838), (256, 15685.485177760009), (257, 9499.4505770869582), (258, 9497.6705274404576), (259, 9497.6705097123686)] .. Note:: The ``zip`` command is one of those utility functions that comes in really handy. .. Hint:: There are a family of commands, such as ``ui.get_data_plot``, ``ui.get_model_plot``, and ``ui.get_fit_plot`` which provide access to the data used to create the corresponding plot command. This is one way to handle those models which include a convolution component. I want to find those columns that are significantly higher than the background, so let's try ``bgnd.c0 + 5``:: print(xi[yi > bgnd.c0 + 5]) [] Well, that was unexpected! So what went wrong?:: bgnd.c0 + 5 In order to support linked parameters (demonstrated in the `next section `), and a bunch of other sparkly goodness, the value `bgnd.c0` is actually a Python object. To get at its value you have to use the ``val`` field:: bgnd.c0 bgnd.c0.val 9497.6705097123631 bgnd.c0.val + 5 9502.6705097123631 print(xi[yi>bgnd.c0.val + 5]) [252 253 254 255 256] Saving the session ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``save`` command can be used to store the current session as a single file.::"3c120.sherpa") This file can then be loaded into a new session with the ``restore`` command.:: $ ipython --matplotlib In [1]: import sherpa.astro.ui as ui In [2]: ui.restore("simple1.sherpa") Solar Abundance Vector set to angr: Anders E. & Grevesse N. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53, 197 (1989) Cross Section Table set to bcmc: Balucinska-Church and McCammon, 1998 In [3]: ui.show_all() Data Set: 1 Filter: 0.0000-511.0000 x name = x = Int64[512] y = Float32[512] staterror = None syserror = None Model: 1 (gauss1d.g1 + const1d.bgnd) Param Type Value Min Max Units ----- ---- ----- --- --- ----- g1.fwhm thawed 1.28402 1.17549e-38 3.40282e+38 g1.pos thawed 254.076 0 511 g1.ampl thawed 3.1326e+06 3112.72 3.11272e+09 bgnd.c0 thawed 9497.67 0 3.40282e+38 Optimization Method: LevMar name = levmar ftol = 1.19209289551e-07 xtol = 1.19209289551e-07 gtol = 1.19209289551e-07 maxfev = None epsfcn = 1.19209289551e-07 factor = 100.0 verbose = 0 Statistic: LeastSq Least Squared Fit:Dataset = 1 Method = levmar Statistic = leastsq Initial fit statistic = 4.96699e+10 Final fit statistic = 4.96699e+10 at function evaluation 6 Data points = 512 Degrees of freedom = 508 Change in statistic = 0 g1.fwhm 1.28402 g1.pos 254.076 g1.ampl 3.1326e+06 bgnd.c0 9497.67 .. Note:: The ``save`` command takes advantage of Python's pickling capabilities. The result is a binary file that can be shared between machines, even on a different OS or - I believe - 32 and 64 bit variants. This makes sharing fits with colleagues very easy - e.g. via DropBox - but has some downsides: it is not guaranteed that the files can be used with different versions of Sherpa; you can't manually inspect the file to see what was done; and those people implementing advanced features (e.g. user models or statistics) may not support this functionality. The ``ui.save_all`` command writes out a Python script, but it is aimed mainly at users who load in data from files rather than with the ``load_arrays`` command.