2-D Fitting in Sherpa --------------------- Fit image data of a supernova remnant G21.5-0.9 using a 2-D multi-component source model. First, download the FITS image of :download:`G21.5-0.9 <./image2.fits>` and start IPython:: $ ipython --matplotlib Do the usual imports of numpy and matplotlib:: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt If you have trouble accessing the image you can download it straight away using Python:: from astropy.extern.six.moves.urllib import request url = "http://python4astronomers.github.com/_downloads/image2.fits" open("image2.fits", "wb").write(request.urlopen(url).read()) ls Here we eschew the advice of keeping modules separate and load the high-level API into the default namespace:: from sherpa.astro.ui import * As with the `1D spectrum `_, we can load in the data with ``load_data``:: load_data("image2.fits") print(get_data()) name = image2.fits x0 = Float64[56376] x1 = Float64[56376] y = Float64[56376] shape = (216, 261) staterror = None syserror = None sky = physical crval = [ 3798.5 4019.5] crpix = [ 0.5 0.5] cdelt = [ 2. 2.] eqpos = world crval = [ 278.386 -10.5899] crpix = [ 4096.5 4096.5] cdelt = [-0.0001 0.0001] crota = 0 epoch = 2000 equinox = 2000 coord = logical .. Note:: The screen output from the ``get_data`` command will depend on whether you are using the standalone Sherpa (PyFITS) or the CIAO version (pyCrates). :: image_data() .. Note:: The ``image_data`` command uses ds9 to view the data rather than matplotlib (or ChIPS). .. image:: g21.png :scale: 75 Calculate the number of source counts in the full FOV:: calc_data_sum2d() .. admonition:: Result 32300 Typically, X-ray data from Chandra contain low counts, so we will switch over to a maximum likelihood statistic such as `Cash`:: set_stat("cash") .. Note:: The ``list_stats`` routine returns a list of available statistic methods. The default fitting method, least squares, is not suitable for fitting low-count data such as X-ray images, so we will choose `Simplex` as the optimization method:: set_method("simplex") .. Note:: The ``list_methods`` routine returns the names of optimisation methods that Sherpa provides. I also will sometimes use the ``LevMar`` optimiser to start a fit using Cash statistics and then switch to ``Simplex`` to check; this is not guaranteed to be any faster or reliable! Set the coordinate system for this image to use `physical` coordinates with ``set_coord`` (Chandra chip coordinates). Valid coordinate systems include `image`, `physical`, and `wcs`:: set_coord("physical") Next, we will setup a 2-D region to filter the image. Here we define a 2-D `CIRCLE` with `x` and `y` defined in physical coordinates and the `radius` defined in pixels:: notice2d("CIRCLE(4072.46,4249.34,108)") print(get_filter()) .. admonition:: Result Circle(4072.46,4249.34,108) .. Important:: The coordinate system of the data must match the coordinate system used in the 2-D region definition. Typically, a call to ``set_coord`` is made before using ``notice2d`` or ``ignore2d``. .. admonition:: Sherpa also supports 2-D regions from file (either ASCII or FITS). Sherpa supports CIAO region files to define 2-D noticed regions:: ignore2d() f = file("circle.reg", "w") f.write("CIRCLE(4072.46,4249.34,108)\n") f.close() notice2d("circle.reg") View the filtered image data in DS9:: image_data() .. image:: g21_filter.png :scale: 75 .. Hint:: If you know you are not going to be using most of the image, then filter the data before reading it into Sherpa (in CIAO you can add a filter to the filename in the ``load_data`` command). The less data read in *can* lead to quicker fits (this is generally only relevant when you include a convolution component). Calculate the source counts inside the noticed 2-D region:: calc_data_sum2d("CIRCLE(4072.46,4249.34,108)") .. admonition:: Result 24658.0 Define a 2-D Gaussian as the source model. This example is simply an illustration for describing the source emission. Initialize the parameter values according to coordinate system. The `xpos` and `ypos` parameters are in `physical` coordinates:: set_source(gauss2d.g1) g1.ampl = 20 g1.fwhm = 20 g1.xpos = 4065.5 g1.ypos = 4250.5 Next, constraint the parameter limits to roughly the size of the image:: g1.fwhm.max = 4300 g1.xpos.max = 4300 g1.ypos.max = 4300 g1.ampl.min = 1 g1.ampl.max = 1000 .. Hint:: In this case the ``guess`` command is quicker, although the limits are not exactly the same. View the current model definition and view the 2-D Gaussian in DS9:: print(get_source()) gauss2d.g1 Param Type Value Min Max Units ----- ---- ----- --- --- ----- g1.fwhm thawed 20 1.17549e-38 4300 g1.xpos thawed 4065.5 -3.40282e+38 4300 g1.ypos thawed 4250.5 -3.40282e+38 4300 g1.ellip frozen 0 0 0.999 g1.theta frozen 0 0 6.28319 radians g1.ampl thawed 20 1 1000 image_model() .. image:: g21_model.png :scale: 75 Calculate the Gaussian model counts inside the noticed 2-D region:: calc_model_sum2d("CIRCLE(4072.46,4249.34,108)") .. admonition:: Result 2266.1800709135932 Now, include a background component to the source model. In this case, an estimate of (0.2) is made from a radial profile (not shown here):: set_source(g1+const2d.bgnd) bgnd.c0 = 0.2 bgnd.c0.max = 100 View the updated model expression:: print(get_source()) (gauss2d.g1 + const2d.bgnd) Param Type Value Min Max Units ----- ---- ----- --- --- ----- g1.fwhm thawed 20 1.17549e-38 4300 g1.xpos thawed 4065.5 -3.40282e+38 4300 g1.ypos thawed 4250.5 -3.40282e+38 4300 g1.ellip frozen 0 0 0.999 g1.theta frozen 0 0 6.28319 radians g1.ampl thawed 20 1 1000 bgnd.c0 thawed 0.2 0 100 **NOTE:** The function ``get_model`` is **not** synonymous to ``get_source``. Typically, Sherpa functions that end in ``_source`` refer to unconvolved model components (e.g. components to be convolved with a Point Spread Function (PSF)). Sherpa functions that end in ``_model`` access the complete convolved model expression including any convolution components (e.g. PSF). Fit with ``fit`` and display the data, model, and residuals in DS9 with ``image_fit``:: fit() Dataset = 1 Method = neldermead Statistic = cash Initial fit statistic = 20661.5 Final fit statistic = -48907.8 at function evaluation 525 Data points = 9171 Degrees of freedom = 9166 Change in statistic = 69569.3 g1.fwhm 57.9477 g1.xpos 4070.4 g1.ypos 4251.11 g1.ampl 23.3562 bgnd.c0 0.266365 image_fit() .. admonition:: Fit Result Sherpa fit results include the statistic and method used during fitting, goodness-of-fit indicators, the number of function evaluations computed, and the list of best-fit parameter values. NOTE: only the thawed parameters are shown. .. image:: g21_fit.png :scale: 75 Calculate the model counts inside the noticed 2-D region using the best-fit parameter values:: calc_model_sum2d("CIRCLE(4072.46,4249.34,108)") .. admonition:: Result 24658.000000637512 Calculate the FWHM in arcseconds using the ACIS conversion factor by accessing the parameter value (remembering to use the the ``val`` attribute):: g1.fwhm.val * 0.492 .. admonition:: Result 28.510281281152213 Save the fitted model to a FITS image using ``save_model`` and save the fit residuals using ``save_resid``:: save_model("model.fits", clobber=True) save_resid("resid.fits", clobber=True) Calculate the parameter confidence limits on thawed parameter values using the Sherpa method ``conf``, changing the range from 1 sigma (the default) to 90 % (1.64 sigma for one interesting parameter):: set_conf_opt("sigma", 1.6448536269514722) conf() .. admonition:: Confidence Result Sherpa confidence results include the statistic and method used during, a list of best-fit parameter values, and their associated confidence limits. NOTE: only the thawed parameters or specified parameters are shown. .. raw:: html

g1.ampl lower bound:    -0.399122
g1.fwhm lower bound:    -0.465406
g1.ampl upper bound:    0.405767
g1.fwhm upper bound:    0.467569
bgnd.c0 lower bound:    -0.0152336
g1.xpos lower bound:    -0.297327
g1.xpos upper bound:    0.297382
g1.ypos lower bound:    -0.294267
g1.ypos upper bound:    0.294294
bgnd.c0 upper bound:    0.0156245
Dataset               = 1
Confidence Method     = confidence
Iterative Fit Method  = None
Fitting Method        = neldermead
Statistic             = cash
confidence 1.64485-sigma (90%) bounds:
Param            Best-Fit  Lower Bound  Upper Bound
=====            ========  ===========  ===========
g1.fwhm           57.9477    -0.465406     0.467569
g1.xpos            4070.4    -0.297327     0.297382
g1.ypos           4251.11    -0.294267     0.294294
g1.ampl           23.3562    -0.399122     0.405767
bgnd.c0          0.266365   -0.0152336    0.0156245

.. raw:: html

.. admonition:: Exercise (for the interested reader): SciPy special functions Sherpa does not yet support the feature to indicate the confidence as a percentage. How can we convert the desired percentage to the sigma that Sherpa supports? (Hint): Try ``scipy.special.erfinv`` .. raw:: html

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Typically, the confidence is calculated from sigma using the error-function, ERF(sigma/SQRT(2)). We can invert this operation using the inverse error-function found in SciPy in the special functions module:: import scipy.special print(scipy.special.erfinv(0.90) * numpy.sqrt(2)) .. raw:: html
Notice how the parameter confidence limits are displayed as soon as they are known. The parameter confidence limits are accessed using ``get_conf_results``. Save the 90% calculated parameter limits:: results = get_conf_results() f = file("fit_results.out", "w") f.write("NAME VALUE MIN MAX\n") for name, val, minval, maxval in zip(results.parnames,results.parvals,results.parmins,results.parmaxes): line = [name, str(val), str(val+minval), str(val+maxval)] print(line) f.write(" ".join(line)+"\n") f.close() View the new output file:: !cat fit_results.out NAME VALUE MIN MAX g1.fwhm 57.9477261812 57.4823204857 58.4152947363 g1.xpos 4070.40148441 4070.10415775 4070.69886665 g1.ypos 4251.10566089 4250.811394 4251.39995481 g1.ampl 23.3562056688 22.9570833968 23.761972516 bgnd.c0 0.266364723807 0.25113117078 0.281989200833 Notice how the function ``zip`` rotates the list of tuples into rows of names, values, min values, and max values:: tbl = zip(results.parnames,results.parvals,results.parmins,results.parmaxes) print(tbl[0]) ('g1.fwhm', 57.947726181203684, -0.46540569551049771, 0.46756855511208073) name, val, minval, maxval = tbl[0] minval -0.46540569551049771 .. Hint:: You could use ``min`` and ``max`` as the variable names, but then you overwrite the Python functions which can cause surprising results later on in your session.